Kansas City Metropolitan Library & Information Network Members

Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences Library

Official Library Name: Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences Library
Library Address: 1750 Independence Avenue; Kansas City, MO 64106-1453
Phone: 816-283-2290
Fax: 816-283-2237
URL for Library Web Site: http://stillpoint.kcumb.edu
URL for Library Online Database: http://stillpoint.kcumb.edu/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?DB=local&PAGE=First
Director/Head Librarian: Marilyn De Geus
Director/Head Librarian's Phone: 816-283-2295
Director/Head Librarian's E-Mail: mdegeus@kcumb.edu
Interlibrary Loan Representative: Nancy Stroud
Interlibrary Loan Rep Phone: 816-283-2292
Interlibrary Loan Rep E-Mail: nstroud@kcumb.edu
WEB-ILL E-Mail interlibraryloan@kcumb.edu
Staff Directory:

Angie Bowen - Access Services/Serials Coordinator - abowen@kcumb.edu 
Lori Fitterling - Digital Services/Reference Librarian lfitterling@kcumb.edu

Sarah Gonterman - Special Projects Assistant - sgonterman@kcumb.edu
V. Lynn Mousseau - Cataloger/Serials Librarian - lmousseau@kcumb.edu

Robyn Oro - Cataloger/Serials Assistant - roro@kcumb.edu
Laurie Sims - circulation/Technology Assistant - lsims@kcumb.edu  

Voting Representative: Marilyn De Geus
Updates:  Please send all updates for this record to Susan Burton: sburton@kcmlin.org or Mary Puhr: mpuhr@kcmlin.org

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Contact KCMLIN: sburton@kcmlin.org

Last Updated 07/31/07

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