Kansas City Metropolitan Library & Information Network Members

Park University
McAfee Memorial Library

Official Library Name: Park University - McAfee Memorial Library
Library Address: 8700 NW River Park Drive, Box 61; Parkville, MO 64152-3795
Phone: 816-584-6285
Fax: 816-741-4911
URL for Library Web Site:


URL for Library Online Database: http://catalog.kclibrary.org/uhtbin/cgisirsi/x/o/57/49?user_id=parkweb&;password=
Director/Head Librarian: Ann Schultis
Director/Head Librarian's Phone: 816-584-6704
Director/Head Librarian's E-Mail:


Interlibrary Loan Representative: Betty Vestal
Interlibrary Loan Rep Phone: 816-584-6283
Interlibrary Loan Rep E-Mail: betty.vestal@park.edu
WEB-ILL E-Mail parkill@park.edu
Staff Directory:

Rebecca Cox - rebecca.cox@park.edu
Betty Dusing - betty.dusing@park.edu

Carolyn Elwess - carolyn.elwess@park.edu
Bobbi Shaw - bobbi.shaw@park.edu
Mary Shriner - mary.shriner@park.edu
Veronica Spottswood - veronica.spottswood@park.edu

Voting Representative: Ann Schultis
Updates:  Please send all updates for this record to Susan Burton: sburton@kcmlin.org

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Contact KCMLIN: sburton@kcmlin.org

Last Updated 07/18/06

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