Kansas City Metropolitan Library & Information Network Members

Metropolitan Community College - Maple Woods

Official Library Name: Metropolitan Community College - Maple Woods
Library Address: 2601 NE Barry Road; Kansas City, MO 64156
Phone: 816-437-3080
Fax: 816-437-3082
URL for Library Web Site: tp://mwlibrary.mcckc.edu
URL for Library Online Database: tp://mwlibrary.mcckc.edu
Director/Head Librarian: Linda Carter
Director/Head Librarian's Phone: 816-437-3081
Director/Head Librarian's E-Mail: linda.carter@mcckc.edu
Marketing Representative:
Human Resource Representative: Linda Carter
Human Resources Representative Phone: 816-437-3081
Human Resources Representative E-Mail: linda.carter@mcckc.edu
Interlibrary Loan Representative: Pat Eklund
Interlibrary Loan Rep Phone: 816-437-3083
Interlibrary Loan Rep E-Mail: pat.eklund@mcckc.edu
WEB-ILL E-Mail mw.ill@mcckc.edu
Voting Representative: Linda Carter
Updates:  Please send all updates for this record to Susan Burton: sburton@kcmlin.org or Mary Puhr: mpuhr@kcmlin.org

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Contact KCMLIN: sburton@kcmlin.org

Last Updated 7/31/07

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