Kansas City Metropolitan Library & Information Network Members

Kansas City Public Library

Official Library Name: Kansas City Public Library
Library Address: 14 West 10th Street; Kansas City, MO 64105
Phone: 816-701-3400
Fax: 816-701-3401
URL for Library Web Site: http://www.kclibrary.org
URL for Library Online Database: http://catalog.kclibrary.org
Chief Executive: R. Crosby Kemper
Chief Executive Phone: 816-701-3501

Chief Executive  E-Mail:

Director of Executive Services Gayla Honeycutt - gaylahoneycutt@kclibrary.org
Deputy Director Branch and
Outreach Services
Dorothy Elliott - dorothyelliott@kclibrary.org
Deputy Director/Main Library: Gretchen Dombrock Haynes - gretchenhaynes@kclibrary.org
Associate Director of Strategic
and Community Planning
Therese Bigelow - theresebigelow@kclibrary.org
Marketing Representative: Margaret Clark - margaretclark@kclibrary.org - 816-701-3400 x2402
Human Resource Representative Pam Kannady - pamkannady@kclibrary.org
Interlibrary Loan Representative: Brenda Hunnicutt
Interlibrary Loan Rep Phone: 816-701-3400 x5232
Interlibrary Loan Rep E-Mail: brendahunnicutt@kclibrary.org
WEB-ILL E-Mail loan@kclibrary.org
IT Services:  Cheptoo Kositany-Buckner - cheptookositany@kclibrary.org

Children/Youth Services:

Helma Hawkins - helmahawkins@kclibrary.org
Ritchie Momon - ritchiemomon@kclibrary.org

Main Library Departments:








Switchboard: 816-701-3400 Fax: 816-701-3401
Reference: 816-701-3541
Main Children's Room: 816-701-3556
Circulation: 816-701-3670
Customer Service: 816-701-3664
Document Delivery: 816-701-3685
Library Jobline: 816-701-3421
Outreach Services: 816-701-3568
Marketing: 816-701-3520
Special Collections, Local History & Genealogy: 816-701-3505
Youth Services (system-wide): 816-701-3450
TDD (Telecommunications Decvice for the Deaf): 816-701-3544
Staff Directory:  Under Construction
Voting Representative: Cheptoo Kositany-Buckner - cheptookositany@kclibrary.org 816-701-3508
Updates:  Please send all updates for this record to Susan Burton: sburton@kcmlin.org

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0000a0">Contact KCMLIN: sburton@kcmlin.org

Last Updated 07/27/06

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