Kansas City Metropolitan Library & Information Network Members

Calvary Bible College and Theological Seminary
Hilda Kroeker Library

Official Library Name: Calvary Bible College and Theological Seminary - Hilda Kroeker Library
Library Address: 15800 Calvary Road; Kansas City, MO 64147
Phone: 816-322-5152 x1205
Fax: 816-331-4474 
URL for Library Web Site: http://www.calvary.edu/college/library.html
URL for Library Online Database: http://catalog.kslibrary.org/uhtbin/cgisirsi/x/0/57/49?ser_id=CALBIBLEWEB;password=
Director/Head Librarian: Suzanne Guinn
Director/Head Librarian's Phone: 816-322-5152 x1205
Director/Head Librarian's E-Mail: librarian@calvary.edu
Human Resource Representative: Ann Rogers - humr@calvary.edu - 816-322-0110
Interlibrary Loan Representative: Lori Livingston
Interlibrary Loan Rep Phone: 816-322-5152 x1206
Interlibrary Loan Rep E-Mail: circ@calvary.edu
WEB-ILL E-Mail circ@calvary.edu
Staff Directory:  Judy McGee - Acquisitions - library@calvary.edu 
Aleida de Jesus - Cataloger - catalog@calvary.edu
Voting Representative: Suzanne Guinn
Updates:  Please send all updates for this record to Susan Burton: sburton@kcmlin.org

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Contact KCMLIN: sburton@kcmlin.org

Last Updated 07/11/06

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