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Discussion Questions for
"The Year The Colored Sisters Came to Town"
by Jacqueline Guidry

1. How does Vivien Leigh change during this year of the colored sisters?

2. Who is the strongest character? Why?

3. What does the "change of life" baby symbolize? Why was she born blind?

4. What role does religion play in the book? Is there a conflict between the characters' religion and their behavior?

5. How does class affect the characters' behavior, especially Vivien Leigh's father?

6. How does the weather reflect the actions in the novel?

7. Identify examples of irony. (Several readers noted the irony of the Concerned Citizens battling the school fire as a prime example.)

8. How does the disintegration of Deacy's marriage reflect what's happening in the community as a whole?

9. If you were under the house with Mavis when Vivien Leigh pinches her, what would you tell her? How would you explain the world to her?

10. Could Aussie and Hazey remain friends aftr the nuns leave Ville d'Angelle?

11. Could Mavis and Marydale become friends again as adults?


For further information contact:
Kansas City Metropolitan Library & Information Network
15624 E. 24 Highway
Independence, MO 64050
Phone: (816) 521-7257
Fax: (816) 461-0966
Email: sburton@kcmlin.org

Last updated 7/21/03